Monday, July 16, 2012

The Rose of Sharon bush

The Rose of Sharon bush is very pretty and low maintenance. Their colors vary during the season and can grow about 8 ft to 12 ft tall. They can handle droughts and can be dwarfed if you wish to keep them small. 

My favorite part of this bush is that I use their spent flowers which have fallen to the ground as mulch for the rest of the garden. Many may get upset because of the daily task of having to rake or sweep them off the ground. I just sweep it right into my garden and let nature take care of the rest for me. 

But if you must throw it away and don't want to use it as mulch. Dump it into your black gold bin and COMPOST IT!!!!!

This wonderful bush also goes back to biblical times (Solomon 2:1). The rose itself is considered to be "perfect" of all the flowers. The rose of sharon bush is used as a symbol in the bible to represent Jesus because He is considered to be "perfect" just like the rose.

Rose of Sharon Bush
Spent flowers

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