Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Fall Veggie Container Gardening

For a fall veggie container garden you will need to first see what veggies you will grow. The best way to choose would be to pick veggies that you eat. Than you will want to see how much space you have so you can see how much of these veggies you can grow & how many containers you will be able to use for the space you have available.

Here are some winter plants to choose from:
  1. Lettuce
  2. Spinach
  3. Cabbage
  4. Broccoli
  5. Cauliflower
  6. Garlic (for spring bloomings)
  7. Chives
  8. Scallions
  9. Beets
  10. Arugala
  11. Chard
  12. Carrots
Once you have choosen your veggies & have your containers. If you are reusing containers that was used during the summer. You will want to clean out the containers & disinfect them so no disease will carry on to your fall garden. Try to pick colorful veggies to make a beautiful container garden.

Mix soil & compost in your containers. Follow the seed instructions & water once completed. You will want to check on your container garden everyday & water everyday until you start seeing growth. Than you will need to check the veggies daily & water as needed.

Some garden centers will have seedlings available to buy. And you won't need to start from seed which will make the process much easier for a beginner. But if you did start from seed you will want to make sure that your veggies are not getting over crowded & thin them out for a better yield. The best part some of the veggies listed above is that some are perrenials which will come back in the spring....YAY.

You will be so happy to have fresh veggies straight from your garden!!!

Happy Gardening!!!!

Winterizing your Garden

While we are working on the Fall Garden. It's also time to start cleaning up the garden. This step is very important to set yourself up for the spring. I thought that there was a break once the fall came but that was not the case your garden is still working. When snow starts to fall don't worry yourself from removing it from the garden. This will work as a layer of mulch actually protecting it. Before you know it the ground unfreezes & spring blooms will be coming out.

Steps to winterizing your Garden:
-- Take your time. Allow yourself a few days to clean up so you don't overwhelm yourself.
-- Clean up the summers garden & remove dead and diseased plants.
-- Pick up fall leaves and add to the compost pile.
Winter Clean
-- Clean and cover up any containers that will remain outside.
-- Find a spot for your spring bulbs and plant before grounds freezes.
-- This is also the time to put in your berry plants for spring blooming.
-- Cut almost to the ground perennials & mulch.
-- Cover up all perennials that don't do well in the winter with burlap & fill with shredded leaves. This will help keep them warm.
-- Add compost to the garden bed to feed it.
-- Clean up your garden tools and put away.

Rosemary plants wrapped in burlap

Happy Gardening!!!