Thursday, August 30, 2012


Kitchen and Yard waste
 I do enjoy composting because I am not allowing kitchen and yard waste to end up in a landfill somewhere. And it ends up being my very own gardener's gold. This will add a lot of nutrients back into my soil.

If you read both of the previous blogs about composting, you know what materials you will need to compost and why. Most sites that give you info on how to compost tell you that you have to have a portion of greens and a portion of browns for you to get compost. Even if you don't follow those instructions you will get compost as an end result. It just might take a little longer is all.

To start I used my old storage bins and had my hubby add holes all over the bins so air can flow through the bins. He even made holes on the covers and bottoms of the bins. My yard is big enough to hide them behind the shed. But ideally you want it close to the garden and garden hose. After the bins were ready literally my family started to collect all kitchen and yard waste throughout the year. It all goes into the bins. It would decompose much sooner if we would shred everything to small pieces before putting them into the bins.

Most of the time everything is dropped in as a whole so I try to do a layer of kitchen waste & then a layer of yard waste. I add earth worms to help me along with the process. Earthworms love the compost bin & they reproduce so quickly before you know it they are thousands of them in your bins.

You will need to water the compost and turn the compost at least once a week. This will help the process. I don’t water or turn the bins during the winter months. It takes about a year before I get to see compost. If you shred everything as small as possible you will get compost much sooner. The pictures above show when I start with waste & when I have compost. Just keep in mind that when compost decomposes it shrinks. I have 6 bins which becomes 1 bin once it has turned into compost. You can even use a sieve to help you filter through your compost. 

If during the process at any time the compost pile smells. Just add more yard waste and mix the pile. The oxygen helps decompose your pile.

Here’s a list of items for composting:
From the Kitchen
·         Coffee grounds and filters
·         Tea bags
·         Used paper napkins
·         Pizza boxes, ripped into smaller pieces
·         Paper bags, either ripped or balled up
·         Stale bread
·         Paper towel rolls
·         Stale saltine crackers
·         Stale cereal
·         Used paper plates (as long as they don't have a waxy coating)
·         Nut shells (except for walnut shells, which can be toxic to plants)
·         Old herbs and spices
·         Stale pretzels
·         Cereal Boxes (tear them into smaller pieces first)
·         Stale beer and wine
·         Paper egg cartons
·         Toothpicks
·         Bamboo skewers
·         Paper cupcake or muffin cups
From the Bathroom
·         Used facial tissues
·         Toilet paper rolls
Around the House
·         Newspapers (shredded or torn into smaller pieces)
·         Subscription cards from magazines
·         Leaves trimmed from houseplants
·         Dead houseplants and their soil
·         Flowers from floral arrangements
·         Natural potpourri
·         Used matches
·         Ashes from the fireplace, barbecue grill, or outdoor fire pit
Party and Holiday Supplies
·         Wrapping paper rolls
·         Paper table cloths
·         Crepe paper streamers
·         Those hay bales you used as part of your outdoor fall decor
·         Natural holiday wreaths
·         Your Christmas tree. Chop it up with some pruners first (or use a wood chipper, if you have one...)
·         Evergreen garlands
·         Newspaper/droppings from the bottom of the bird cage
·         Feathers
·         Alfalfa hay or pellets (usually fed to rabbits)
·         Rawhide dog chews
·         Fish food
·         Dry dog or cat food

For details on how to compost go to:

Happy Gardening!!!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Materials to Compost & Materials to avoid

You will be surprised on how many items you can compost and save from going to the landfill. It still amazes me how much kitchen and yard waste we save from the landfills. In the end I am pleased with the finished product. And even happier that I get to put it back into earth just to give my garden all the nutrients it needs. I found a great website that gives us info of what materials you need and which you should avoid ( I have also added some materials I use in my very own compost pile.

Below are some of the ingredients that can make good compost:
Materials to Compost
Browns = High CarbonGreens = High Nitrogen
Ashes, wood
Cardboard, shredded
Corn stalks
Fruit waste
Newspaper, shredded
Peanut shells
Peat moss
Pine needles
Stems and twigs, shredded
Vegetable stalks
Coffee grounds
Food waste
Garden waste
Grass clippings
Hedge clippings
Hops, used
Vegetable scraps
*Avoid weeds that have gone to seed, as seeds may survive all but the hottest compost piles.
Additional Materials I add to my compost pile:
-- Eggshells
-- Tea bags
-- paper towels (no grease or chemicals on them)
-- unused dried dog food
-- egg cartons
-- spent plants
-- old & used soil from containers
-- leaves


Coal Ash - contains sulfur and iron in amounts high enough to damage plants.

Colored Paper - contains heavy metals or other toxic materials.

Diseased Plants - diseased organisms are not destroyed in the compost pile and can spread when added to your garden.

Inorganic Materials - aluminum foil, glass, plastics, metals and pressure-treated lumber (it's treated with chemicals that are toxic). These items will not break down during the composting process

Meat, Bones, Fish, Fats, Dairy - it makes the compost pile smell awful and will attract unwanted guess. An supposedly also can "overheat" your compost pile.

Dog & Cat Droppings - contains diseased organisms and can make compost toxic to handle.

Synthetic Chemicals - lawn and garden chemicals (herbicides - pesticides) can withstand the composting process and remain intact in the finished compost.

In my next blog I will share with you how I compost. Composting101 has very detailed instructions. You can even purchase a book called Let it Rot. Its pretty awesome and it's what I used to get me started.

Happy Gardening!!!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Fall Gardening: Why Compost?

I feel so proud of my compost and its bins (recycled from storage bins we had). I get to save most of our food scraps & all of our yard waste from landfills & help the enviroment just a little more.

Urban composting is getting more popular in NYC than years ago. NYC offers a course on how to compost ( or you can read a book like I did called Let it Rot ( It's a pretty awesome book and I have been composting ever since.

I would have never imagine how much food scraps a family of 4 can collect. But we fill within a year 6 full bins 2 to 3 times during the whole composting process. That's a total of 18 bins a year. And that's that I don't make everyone bring their composting items from work too. But 1 step at a time will we achieve this. Even family members who come to visit know that they must compost all of our food scraps in our home.

Why compost?
· Its a way to build fertile soil to grow healthy and productive plants.
· It will improve the appearance and even the nutritional value of your garden.
· Adding things like fall leaves, grass clippings & kitchen scraps increases the soil's organic matter.
· Functions as a mulch.
· You're decreasing the amount of trash going to landfills.
· Composting reduces pollution. Believe it or not compost avoids the production of methane and leachate in landfills.
· Composting reduces the need of water (because can be used as a mulch), fertilizers (because it adds nutrients back into the soil & plants), and pesticides (because it helps maintain bad bugs away).
· It has been shown that composting can even prevent erosion.
The next blog we will get into on how to start your compost bins now so when next season comes around you have a good amount of organic matter for your heat loving veggies.

Happy Gardening!!!!

Document your garden!!!

Garden Diary
Its important to have a garden diary. This will help you get a better understanding of what is going on in your garden season to season. I have a garden dairy which has helped me tremendously on understanding what was going on in my garden.

When I first started not everything was growing as quickly and nicely. Until I started to document the garden and getting a better understanding of all of my veggies and herbs. This gave me a better idea on what I was succeeding at and what needed more attention or a new approach. It gave me the ability to have multiple season gardens within the same garden space between the seasons.

Why you should document your garden:

  • It will teach you what you have growing in your garden.
  • You will be able to see what you have had success with or not.
  • It will help you plan better for the next season.
  • If you move you will always have record of what was done.
  • This will also help you with  succession planting.
  • Keeping records of garden pest.
  • Keeping track of weather
  • It will help you better with companion gardening.
Some of the ways to document:

  • Label plants to learn their names.
  • Draw sketches of your garden & plants.
  • Take pictures of everything.
  • Save seed packets & receipts.
  • Writing everyday in the dairy
  • Write down the care instructions for all your plants.

-- Succession Planting: Is when you are using the same space for multiple crops. Its pretty much following one crop with another to maximize your garden's yield.
-- Companion Planting: Its the close planting of different veggies and herbs, which helps each other's growth and at times protects each other from garden pests.

There are several online apps to help you keep a garden diary. But my favorite is still to keep a hard copy of it all.

Taking pictures
Keeping the labels
Sketching the garden

Monday, August 20, 2012

Ways to reuse household items

 These pictures are great ideas for reusing household items for the garden. Pretty awesome!!!!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Fall Garden: Starting the Garden

Fall Season Seeds

Hope you guys have had a great week!!! The weekend is almost here and you can start your fall garden. It took me some time to put mine together. I can't wait to see the progress of both my fall garden and yours at its prime. Trust me you will feel happy with the results. And pleased that you are feeding your family organic veggies. You know where the veggies came from what was or wasn't added to it. It makes making dinner even more special. You can even taste the difference from supermarket brands.

Compost Added
Lets get started, you don't need to start with this many seeds. You can try 3 or 4 fall season crops like lettuce, radishes, and carrots. These seem to be the easiest for beginners. 

Mixing it together
  1. You want to add organic matter or compost on your garden bed especially if you have used the same space during the beginning of the season. 
  2. Once you have added it you will need to till the old with the new.
  3. Than make rows to add your seeds.
  4. Add your seeds but do not cover until all seeds have been put into a single row. This way you don't mix seeds or step them.
  5. Once all seeds have been added you can cover up the seeds gently trying not to disturb the seeds.
  6. Label your veggies so its easier to identify once its growing.
  7. And water with a mist everyday for about 2 weeks or until you see the garden sprouting. 

Adding seeds in rows

Covering up the rows
Adding a mist of water
I will give you picture updates as the L.A.G. garden is coming along. And please share your photos too.

Happy Gardening!!!!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Pruning your herb garden

So by now your herb garden is giving you a plentiful harvest!!! It's time to prune for cooking or sharing. My favorite part of sharing from my herb garden is the reaction people give me when they start cooking with the herbs. They're shocked by the flavors they get with just using a pinch. While supermarket herbs you can use a handful and not get the same flavor you just got from  that very pinch you just used from the garden.

  • You can pick off leaves individually or prune all around the plant. 
  • Just remember to never prune more than one-third of the plant.
  • Or if just taking the leaves to take every 3rd leaf.
  • Flowers should be edible.
  • This herb can be invasive if not controlled.
  • The flowers are also edible and do not need to be removed. 
  • You can prune up to 2- 3 inches from the ground.
  • You can prune all over the plant or just pick the stems as far down as you like.
  • Letting it go to seed you will get more plants next year since its a biennial.

  • The seeds are edible and they are called coriander. 
  • If left to seed it will fall on the ground and will begin to germinate and start new plants. 
  • Its better to sow seeds about every 2-3 weeks. It will be your herb with the shortest life span.
Lemon Thyme:
  • It's the same as the oregano.
  • It's the same as 
Remember to prune your garden once the sun isn't hitting it directly. And don't prune after rain or watering. This is to prevent your herbs from getting a disease. It is very good to prune your herbs because it will encourage new growth.

Happy Gardening!!!!